Letter from the Editor
David V. Mason
The Religion Virus: An Interview and Meta-Conversation
Michael Dudeck and David Mason
“The Spectacle of Unseeing: Creation from Nothing in Richard III”
Jonathan Wanner
“Apocalypse How? The World’s End in Will Eno’s TRAGEDY: a tragedy”
Dana Tanner-Kennedy
“Racine’s Ancients: Paradoxes of Adaptation in the Panegyric Tradition of French Neoclassicism”
Rachel M. E. Wolfe
“Hallelujah and Amen: Revival of the Color Purple as African-American Church”
Aaron Brown
Performing Orthodox Ritual in Byzantium, reviewed by Donnalee Dox
Ritual, Performance and the Senses, reviewed by Eric Mayer-García
The Theatre of the Occult Revival, reviewed by Michael M. Chemers