Fall 2007
Letter from the Editor
Carolyn D. Roark
Editorial:Theatre as a Way of Knowing in the Christian Academy–Four Perspectives
Feature: God’s Image Carved in Ebony: Race, Religion, and Performance
Amanda Kemp and M. Alison Kibler
Feature: Traces of Hope: Orality, Literacy, and the Preservation of History through Memory in the Dance DramaRabinal Achi
Daniel Breining
Feature: Missionaries, Martyrs, and Madmen: The Christian as Outsider on the Japanese Stage
Kevin J. Wetmore
Feature: Betrayal and Responsibility in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Little Eyolf and Horton Foote’s Young Man from Atlanta
Robert Haynes
Profile: Soul Purpose Liturgical Drama Troupe
John Steven Paul
Book & Performance Reviews:
- John Lutterbie- Theatres of Human Sacrifice: From Ancient Ritual to Screen Violence, Mark Pizzato
- Ben Fisler- Theatre and Travel: Tours of the South (Theatre Symposium 13), Susan Kattwinkle (Ed.)
- James O’Regan- The Idea of Theatre in Latin Christian Thought: Augustine to the Fourteenth Century, Donnalee Dox,
- William Ferleman- Acting Jewish: Negotiating Ethnicity on the American Stage and Screen, Henry Bial
- James Brandon- Ghosts of Theatre and Cinema in the Brain, Mark Pizzato
- Stephen Harrick- White People Do Not Know How to Behave at Entertainments Designed for Ladies and Gentlemen of Colour: William Brown’s African and American Theater, Marvin McAllister
- Kevin Otos-“The School for Husbands” at Texas Shakespeare Festival
- Nic Birns-“Wake Up, Mr. Sleepy, Your Unconscious is Dead” at Ontological-Hysteric Theater New York
- Ray Schultz-“Faith Healer” at Booth Theatre