Fall 2013
Letter from the Editor
Carolyn D. Roark
Feature: Hamlet on Alcatraz, a Journey into the Power of Sacred Space
Rand Harmon
Highlight: Six Characters of 9/11: A Chance Encounter with Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author
Mahmood Karimi-Hakak
Highlight: Interview with Kimball Allen
Heather Beasley
Profile: “The Trial of Jesus” and Jesus on Death Row
Joanne Zerdy
Feature: The Intercultural Dramaturg-Director: Folkloric and Religious Intersections in Sophocles’ Antigones
Vessela Warner
Feature: Performing the Passion of Christ in Postmodernity:Re-Membering the Passion in the Pluralistic Age in Our Lady of 121st Street
Seokhun Choi
Book & Performance Reviews:
- James M. Brandon
- Martha Kalnin Diede
- Mark Pizzato
- Dave Peterson