Performance Note: Missa Leiga

Reginaldo Nascimento Teatro Escola Macunaíma, São Paulo, Brazil Our performance of Chico de Assis’s play Missa Leiga at the Teatro Escola Macunaima in São Paulo, Brazil was the result of a collaborative process with students in the school’s actor training program. The work resulted in a spectacle that scrutinized all forms of religion and protest, […]

Issue 10.2

David V. Mason More change. You’ll notice that we’ve moved to Chicago. It’s a choice that has form as well as function in mind. The function, we hope, will improve on the way that the MLA style that the journal has followed for years provides necessary information. Form, we think, is not irrelevant, and it […]

Ecumenica 10.2

Fall 2017 Letter from the Editor David V. Mason “Sexual Perversity in a Feminist Bible Play: Florence Kiper Frank’s Jael” Kari-Anne Innes “An Anthropogenic Upheaval: Edward Bond’s Bingo, Shakespeare’s Enclosure, and Terrocentric Identity” Babak Ashrafkhani Limoudehi “The Holy Land Experience: ‘Step Right Up’ to Experience the Crucifixion” Aaron Brown “Sacred Spaces: Experiencing the Supernatural at Lourdes” Kristin […]